This is the latest in ATPM’s series of Trivia Challenges. Answers to this month’s Trivia Challenge will be found in the next issue of ATPM. If you have any suggestions for future Trivia Challenges, or wish to comment about almost anything, please e-mail me at . This month’s Trivia Challenge is a list of famous movie quotes. The kind that, as soon as you hear them, remind you of a particular movie. On the left are the quotes, and on the right is a list of the movies that they came from. See if you can match them up! The first reader to e-mail me the correct answers to all 10 questions will receive their choice of two great new Mac tutorial books—Inside Adobe Photoshop 5 by Gary David Bouton & Barbara Bouton, or Teach Yourself HTML 4 in 10 Minutes by Tim Evans. The second correct reader will receive the other book. So take part in:   1. “Emergency! Emergency! A. Star Trek IV - Everybody to get from street!” The Voyage Home 2. “It sure would be a big waste B. The Russians Are Coming! of space.” The Russians Are Coming! 3. “The new phonebook’s out! C. Air Force One The new phonebook’s out!” 4. “That’s not a knife, D. The Jerk THIS is a knife!” 5. “It turns out I have a Rose E. Independence Day Garden.” 6. “Admiral,there be whales here!” F. Rainman 7. “Now, get off my plane!” G. Contact 8. “Show me the money!” H. The American President 9. “Welcome to Earth!” I. Crocodile Dundee 10. “I’m an excellent driver.” J. Jerry Maguire The Rules Each question has only one correct answer. The answers are stored in a hermetically sealed envelope guarded by a fierce Lhasa Apso named “Hammerli” who lives in our house. Last Month’s Answers—4.09—The Grab Bag 1. He might say “Whoa, Nellie!” after an exciting touchdown play. C. Keith Jackson 2. If you are standing on “The Grassy Knoll,” where are you? D. Dallas 3. Where did Butch and Sundance meet their fate? A. Bolivia 4. Who invented the “Opti-Grab”? D. Navin Johnson 5. How many US. Astronauts have walked on the Moon? B. 12 6. In 1866, what was the first state to be re-admitted to the Union after the Civil War? A. Tennessee 7. What NASCAR driver won the inaugural “Brickyard 400”? C. Jeff Gordon 8. What was the first “Official” issue of ATPM that was a Michael Tsai/Robert Paul Leitao production? B. Oct 96 - 2.10 9. What was the first issue of ATPM to be hosted at ? A. Feb 97 - 3.02 10. Who would not give up her seat on the bus? D. Rosa Parks This Month's Folk CD Recommendation “Highway Signs” - A live album by Aztec Two Step - Prime CD PCD 025 Copyright © 1998 Edward Goss,